Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The 1990's
Maybe it is because we are getting older and the nineties were when we started coming of age but we have been reflecting lately about all the good music, films, books, etc that came out back then. Also thanks to the passing of time we have been able to focus on and remember the good stuff and forget the loads of crap that we had to endure. We're looking at you Limp Bizkit.

The Films of Michelangelo Antonioni
While we are still wading through his filmography all of the ones we have seen are beautiful and interesting to watch. And although as many of those critical of Antonioni point out that nothing much seems to happen we still find them fascinating and entertaining and would like to counter with the notion that maybe everything is happening in them. 

We feel that it is the unusual and unique mannerisms that people adopt that make them more interesting. True they can sometimes be annoying and lame but they can also be pretty awesome and endearing.

La Moustache
If you have a moustache this film will make you think twice about ever shaving it off. For is it the man who makes the moustache or the moustache that makes the man?

The First Notes of a Really Good Album
They can be a "hello" from a great new friend or the reestablishment of a comforting embrace from an old pal. Either way they always seem to say, "OK here we go."

The Eclipse Series DVDs from Criterion
Yet another thing that we have not gotten around to but we love the idea, a collection of little known and over looked films lovingly put together in nice little packages.                                  


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Thank you for the thought-provoking suggestions. Please keep the quality work coming, we yearn for more.