Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Finding Out That A TV Show You Thought Was Cancelled Years Ago Is Still On
Were we alone in the misguided belief that The George Lopez Show was no longer on? However the real shock is that people are watching it, who are these people?

Taste Of Cherry
We never knew that watching a car driving around the hills of Tehran could be so mesmerizing and entertaining.

Lets face it there is a lot more awkward situations then comfortable ones in life so we say embrace the awkward. So the next time you are in an awkward situation point it out and celebrate it. What is the worst thing that can happen? Because once things are awkward they are awkward it is just like being wet. And at the very least it will give us something to bond over.

The Last 3 Minutes of Track 15 on Beck’s The Information
It is Dave Eggers and Spike Jonze discussing what the ultimate record that ever could possibly be made would sound like. What do you think it would sound like?

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