Thursday, December 28, 2006

Clothes That Fit Properly
Why aren’t more people wearing them?

Daylight Savings Time (DST)
Enough with this getting dark by 5:30 pm.

Not Being Ironic
It seems like everything these days is labeled with this very misunderstood word. We say lets make 2007 all about being earnest.

The Areas Of My Expertise by John Hodgman
We’re talking about the audiobook version here, and while we are not quite sure what is happening most of the time we always enjoy it. Plus it was free from itunes which just makes it that much sweeter.

Impromptu Dance Parties
There really aren’t enough of these going on. Then again you really can never have too many dance parties in your life.

Indoor Plumbing
When you have it you never think about it, and when you don’t it is the only thing you can think about. So next time you are taking a shower just take a minute and enjoy.

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